How Often Do You Need To Blog
You can find a blog on any topic these days, as more people are starting one either as a hobby or to make a few extra bucks.
Yes, blogging can be a lucrative income. But only a small percentage of bloggers actually make sustainable incomes.
Because coming up with original and creative content can be difficult in the long run. Especially if you need to churn out quality posts as frequently as possible.
So, how many blog posts per day do you need to post to start seeing an income?
Today, we're going to answer all your questions as we explore the fascinating world of blogging.
Let's dive right in.
How Many Blogs Are There?
As of 2020, blogging statistics show there are over 500 million blogs among 1.7 billion websites all over the world.
However, this is not an exact figure:
There are plenty of inactive blogs, platforms that are not willing to share their information publicly, and blogs with non-traditional web building tools.
Nevertheless, this ballpark figure does make sense.
When it comes to the best blog platforms:
Research shows that 1 out of 3 websites are blogs, and the majority (480 million) are hosted on the popular platform, Tumblr.
WordPress comes in second place with over 75 million blogs.
All other platforms combined, including Joomla and Drupal, host less than 5 million.
How Many People Read Blogs?
(iMPACT & MasterBlogging)
Currently, there are over 409 million people consuming WordPress sites every month, which goes to show that WordPress blog posting remains incredibly popular.
Since 2010, a high of 77% of internet users have been reading blogs. But while the percentage itself hasn't changed in the last decade, the number of internet users has skyrocketed.
Check this out:
Back in 2010, there were 370 million internet users, compared to an astonishing 4.57 billion in 2020.
So, we can estimate that around 3.5 billion people all over the globe read blogs in 2020.
Mind – blown!
How Long Does it Take to Write a Blog Post?
(Orbit Media)
2018 blogging trends reveal it takes a blogger an average of 3.5 hours to write an article. This number has been steadily on the up in recent years, as bloggers in 2014 took roughly 2 hours and 24 minutes to write a blog post.
Since then, the average time seems to increase gradually as each year passes because bloggers now spend more time curating their posts.
With the abundance of information available on the internet, bloggers want to make sure their content is accurate, reliable, and as up to date as possible.
So, they spend more time researching innovative ideas. And it clearly pays off, as 38% of bloggers who spend more than 6 hours on blog posts report receiving good results from blogging.
Key takeaway:
The more time you spend on your posts, the better your outcomes will be. Click To Tweet
Which brings us to a related question:
How Long Should a Blog Post Be?
It used to be common wisdom that a blog post should be short and sweet.
That's no longer the case. A blog post should provide comprehensive information to the reader.
With that in mind, the average blog post length or average blog post word count as of 2018 was around 1,151 words.
This length should be enough to get your point across and also take advantage of building your Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Understandably, longer posts rank higher in SEO.
According to 2018 average blog traffic statistics, the optimal length for a blog post to generate the most organic traffic in B2B areas was between 2,250 and 2,500 words.
However, you need to be a skillful writer to keep your readers hooked throughout.

How to Make Your Blog Popular?
Having a popular blog comes with several benefits.
A blog that receives high traffic has a higher chance of making a profit. For bloggers who aren't in it for the profit, it's a form of validation that they are sharing their passions with equally passionate readers.
There are many ways you can build a popular blog.
Here are a couple of tried and tested strategies:
First and foremost, it boils down to passion. You need to determine a purpose for your blog and stick to it. That's why it's a good idea to blog about something you're passionate about. From there, your efforts to grow your blog will continue organically.
Second, your blog content needs to be SEO-friendly. SEO is your best friend, and you need to learn everything about it so that you can apply it to your own blog.
Third, your blog needs to have a voice. It should speak the same language as your audience.
Fourth, you need to drive traffic by responding to comments and making noise for your blog on social media so that the word gets out there.
Bottom line:
Your blog can be popular if you generate unique, creative, SEO-friendly content that incorporates visuals. Click To Tweet
How Often Should I Update My Blog?
How often you should update your blog is subjective. It really depends on your capacity.
Obviously, it would be great to update your blog daily so you can keep your readers invested. This would allow you to build traffic and brand awareness.
That being said:
Churning out a new post every day will eventually take its toll on you and might even cause your blog's downfall. So, you should plan out your posts according to your own capacity.
As a general rule of thumb:
The more frequently you post, the better it is for your brand's visibility.
How Many Blog Posts per Week?
(Heidi Cohen & Optinmonster)
When it comes to how many blog posts per day and week you should publish, back in 2014, blogging stats showed that 54% of bloggers posted weekly and 26% monthly.
Today, things have changed, as 66% of bloggers only post several times a month. This is because bloggers and businesses realize that daily blogging is not practical or sustainable.
Nevertheless, if you want your blog to stay ahead, the ideal blog post frequency is two to three posts per week. 2018 data shows that bloggers who post over 16 articles a month increased traffic 3.5 times.
How Many Blog Posts Before Traffic?
(Weidert Group)
The ideal number of blog posts to guarantee traffic varies with each blog and niche. But according to the Weidert Group, the best way to guarantee traffic is by posting around the 55 to 70 blog count range as quickly as possible.
Your blog content should be creative, engaging, and legitimate so that your traffic will continue to grow along as you gain more readers. The best way to kick off your blog and start getting some serious traffic is through dedication and consistency.
How to Get Content for Your Blog?
(Jeff Bullas)
Finding the right content for your blog can be difficult, especially since you'll be competing with a vast amount of information on the internet.
Back in 2016, there were 130 trillion recorded web pages, and this figure has since increased significantly.
It's not all bad news, though:
It seems that around 90% of these pages have offered little to no value to readers.
So, you still have a chance to create original and attractive blog posts. That's exactly how the famous Arriana Huffington and Peter Rojas achieved millionaire blogger status.
Keep in mind that getting your hands on good exciting content is not easy, though. You should invest time in brainstorming ideas and research to come up with something innovative.
Here are some basic guidelines you can follow:
First, research is crucial. You can begin by conducting a keyword analysis using a bunch of tools available on the internet to eliminate irrelevant keywords. With the remaining keywords, you should research your competitor's content, including the length and level of detail, to get some ideas.
Second, you need to find a unique angle for your blog by brainstorming how you can provide more value for your readers – either something different or something better (ideally, 10 times better) than what the competition has to offer.
Third, once you have sufficient information and research, it's time to start writing!

What Is the Best Day to Publish a Blog Post?
(Neil Patel)
There are billions of users on the internet, so people are browsing 24/7. Still, there are certain ideal timings to schedule your posts such as peak hours. By posting at the right moment, you'll help your blog make a bigger impact and reach a wider audience.
Here's the scoop:
According to blog traffic statistics, the ideal time for a fresh post is late morning on a Monday (around 11 am). During this time, people turn to the internet for something interesting to get them through the Monday blues.
And if you are looking for higher engagement, posting on Saturday morning is ideal, as readers have leisure time to read and comment.
Nevertheless, blog posts do not expire or get drowned out as quickly as emails or social media posts. A good blogger should concentrate on the most important thing, creating unique and good content rather than worrying too much about posting times.
How Often Should I Blog to Make Money?
(Blog Marketing Academy)
That's the million-dollar question.
Regardless of frequency, the best way to monetize your blog is via affiliate marketing with one of the millions of online stores. It's a good way to provide solutions to your readers with valuable products while earning a commission.
There are several affiliate programs you can join, but your first plan of action should be getting traffic. The more traffic you have, the more commissions you can get.
Another great way to monetize your blog is by creating your own digital products for sale. Digital products are easy to create and with low costs.
You can include this as part of your game plan for your blog, creating something beneficial that your readers might want to buy. This could be anything ranging from a recipe eBook if you have a cooking blog to an eBook for fashion tips if you are a fashion blogger.
Again, it all boils down to your blog getting a good flow of traffic so these products can start selling. There are ways you can speed this up, and that is by having a sound game plan and investing in paid advertising.
What Percentage of Bloggers Make Money?
(Life Hacker)
Since the evolution of the internet, many people are beginning to opt for online jobs. So, it should come as no surprise that monetizing blogs as a source of income or as an alternative job option for working in the corporate sector has become quite popular.
However, facts about blogging reveal that only 31% of bloggers actually earn money from their blogs, which means 69% don't make any money.
Overall, 2% of bloggers earn above $150,000 annually. This figure is alarmingly low, as it means only 2 out of every 100 bloggers actually manage to make a sustainable income.
As you can see, it's not an easy feat. There is a broad range of factors that affect how much you'll make, ranging from personal perseverance and the originality and quality of your content to posting frequency and search engine rankings.
How Many Posts Should a Blog Have?
(Lyrical Host)
The more frequently you blog, the more traffic you will grow. 11 posts and more per month seems to be enough to see an increase in traffic. For example, bloggers who publish over 16 posts per month see a significant boost in lead generation.
What Is the Best Time of Day to Publish a Blog Post?
(Neil Patel)
The best time for a blog post is on a late Monday morning – for example, around 11 am. At this time, most people are usually searching for something to get them through the Monday blues.
The ideal time to post if you want higher engagement is Saturday morning, as blog reader statistics show that readers have leisure time to read and comment on blog posts.
And on that note:
Final Thoughts
Starting a blog from scratch is easy.
Maintaining a blog for sustainable income, on the other hand, is a whole different ball game.
The thing is:
It takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and, most importantly, passion. If you're passionate about your niche, creating sustainable content for your blog will come easily in the long run.
And now that you know approximately how many blog posts per day and month are necessary, you're all set for your blogging journey.
Happy blogging! Till next time!
- Life Hacker
- Blog Marketing Academy
- Forbes
- Heidi Cohen
- Hubspot
- Jeff Bullas
- Lyrical Host
- Neil Patel
- OptinMonster
- Orbit Media
- MasterBlogging
- Weidert Group
- Yoast
How Often Do You Need To Blog
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